Hello All,

My dad and I had the opportunity yesterday to visit Duluth and get a
little birding time in though spent most of the time running errands and
getting my sister's pre-brace's in.  We began through Silver Bay and up
CR-16 in hopes of a hawk owl, great grey, or something like that but
failed to see anything interesting.  From their we stopped in Sax Zim
and re-found the hawk owl part way down the Sax road where it flew from
an aspen top re-alighting upon another much closer for excellent viewing
and picture taking.  After about 15 minutes we headed on up to Mcdavit's
road and found another hawk owl.  That was about all or most of all the
excitement that took place their except tons of rough-legged hawks
including a dark phase or two and a mature bald eagle perched on the
road side ten feet from our car...They look about twice as large as
usual.  On the way down Lake Superior looked superb for viewing but by
the time our errands and stuff were done after the Sax Zim visit it was
extremely rough and made for difficult viewing at Wisconsin Pt.  I found
a 1st winter Thayer's gull among many herrings and a ring-billed or two,
but was having difficulty finding my prime target... a black-backed
gull.  But finally I prevailed and found a nice 2nd year bird on the
Minnesota break wall topping off an exciting day of birding.  Good
birding to all,

Josh Watson
Grand Marais    

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