At least some northern birds are having a productive year.   This came in
from Tom Stehn, national whooping crane coordinator at Aransas NWR, TX.

Here's another reason to celebrate on the 4th of July!

Whooping crane production surveys carried out June 16-21 by Regional
Pilot/Biologist Jim Bredy, Tom Stehn, USFWS and Brian Johns, Canadian
Wildlife Service, documented a record number of 66 chicks hatched  from 54
nests, surpassing the previous high of 58 chicks produced in 1997.
Productivity was excellent with 85% of the nests producing one or two
offspring.  From the 54 nests, 20 pairs hatched twins, 26 hatched singles,
and 8 pairs did not hatch any offspring.

I am brimming with optimism that this number of chicks found in June should
result in a  population increase this winter to hopefully reach 200.  Last
winter, a record 194 whooping cranes wintered at Aransas.

My thanks to Refuges-Region II and the Canadian Wildlife Service for
funding this worthwhile survey effort.  With intensive studies underway at
Aransas relating to fresh water inflows, blue crabs, and whooping cranes,
it is essential that data be obtained in June on flock productivity to
relate it to the previous winter's food base at Aransas.

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