Thanks to the many observers who continue to post dates, numbers of birds, 
specific locations, and the name of the county for Great Gray, Northern Hawk, 
Snowy, and Boreal owls in Minnesota. All these data are being compiled in order 
document the magnitude and geographical extent of this remarkable influx. 
reports of owls at previously known locations are especially welcome; in the 
absence of such data, its much more difficult to eliminate the possiblilty of 
duplicate sightings. Besides posting to this listserve, reports can be called 
to any of the state's three Rare Bird Alerts or sent directly to me at the 

Karen Sussman and I drove some township and forest roads east of St. Louis CR 
south of St. Louis CR 16, and west of Lake CR 2 today in order to look for 
northern owls in areas that have received little or no coverage. We found five 
Great Gray Owls as follows:

FR 118 (Camp 26 Truck Trail), 3.0 mi S of CR 16, St. Louis County;
FR 425, 0.4 mi N of CR 16 near the intersection of FR 425/FR 788 northeast of 
Cadotte Lake, St. Louis County;
two along St. Louis CR 44, one at the Brimson Fire Hall and another 0.3 mi N of 
the fire hall;
one found dead (apparently hit by a vehicle) along CR 14, 1.9 mi W of CR 2, 

Peder H. Svingen - - 

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