Last night (Sat.) led a MRVAC owl prowl in Dakota County.  We (13 participants) 
heard Saw-whet and Long-eared Owls.  Near
Station and 160th Street in Rosemount we had one or two singing Saw-whets.  we 
also had at least two calling Long-eared.  On
Gaylord near Lake Byllesby we had at least one of each call. The singing 
Saw-whets were easily heard, but the Long-eared
were calling quite softly, and missed by many.

I have also found Great Horned Owls on nest:
Hwy 19 & Delancy Ct. west of Northfield in a crow's nest just above the 
"Northfield: Home of the Raiders" sign (2/17)
US 10 NW of Hanson Rd, Coon Rapids (2/25)

I will lead another owl prowl this Saturday night (3/12).  Space will be 
limited, and like last night, I will probably have
to turn away a few.  to reserve a space please e-mail me.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan

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