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Chris Benson just called to report he was seeing a perched Gyrfalcon on Highway 
55 at milepost 216.  This area is east of Highway 52 and @1/4 mile east of the 
junction of highway 55 and Dakota CR 42.  It was perched as he was calling.   
Good Luck! 

>       Diane M. Anderson RT(R)
>       Medical Imaging Technical Services
>       Department of Radiology
>       Mayo Clinic Rochester
>       (507) 266-8504

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<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
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<TITLE>ALERT   Gyrfalcon-Dakota County</TITLE>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Californian FB">Chris Benson just =
called to report he was seeing a perched Gyrfalcon on Highway 55 at =
milepost 216.&nbsp; This area is east of Highway 52 and @1/4 mile east =
of the junction of highway 55 and Dakota CR 42.&nbsp; It was perched as =
he was calling.&nbsp;&nbsp; Good Luck! </FONT></P>
<P><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Diane M. =
Anderson RT(R)</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Medical =
Imaging Technical Services</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans =
MS">Department of Radiology</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Mayo =
Clinic Rochester</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">(507) =
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans =

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