Today along County Road 21 north of Cloverdale in Pine County I found 
and photographed a one-eyed Great Gray Owl. The bird's left eye is 
cloudy, obviously damaged. It would be interesting to know if other 
observers locate this owl and where. The injury might allow the bird to 
be tracked as it moves from place to place. The bird appeared healthy 
and functional.

In all today, working from Cloverdale north to Askov and Finlayson, I 
found 15 Great Grays. The area south of Finlayson was the most 
productive. Interesting were my conversations with residents of the 
area -- farmers, woodcutters, road maintenance workers, householders. 
All were aware of the owls. All knew the species and the facts 
surrounding the owls' movement into Minnesota. The only person I spoke 
with who did not respond positively was perhaps the person in best 
position to comment on the owls' presence throughout the area: a rural 
mail carrier. She said she only looks for eagles.

Jim Williams

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