I am posting this on behalf of my friends at Arocla Mills (located just =
north of Stillwater)

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! This is to invite you to another Arcola =
Mills Birding Event - mini-fundraiser - SATURDAY, MAY 28TH - ALL MORNING =

This year's event will be much simpler: No pontoons!=20
We will open the gates at 5:30 AM and close them about 11:30 AM. You =
will have an experienced volunteer leader to bird the 50 acre property =
in a small group. Or, you can just bird around the Mower Van Meyer House =
area that includes a great view of the St Croix River and the permanent =
streams. I will furnish coffee, tea, water and Krispie Kreme donuts in =
the Mower Van Meyer House during the duration of the event. We had =
organic fruit and cereal last year; so it's time for the bad stuff! I =
will hand out checklists of the 124 species we found in our 1 year =
Arcola Mills survey and provide a place to record and share comments and =
highlights of your experience.=20
PLEASE let me know if you plan to come and how many people you will =
bring so I can plan the refreshments and recruit enough volunteer =
leaders. If the weather is horrible, I will send a cancellation email =
that morning EARLY to those who have signed-up to come.=20
This is a fundraiser to help us restore the Mower Van Meyer House and =
property so we suggest a tax-deductible contribution to Arcola Mills of =
$25 per individual or $35 per household. Send me your mailing address if =
you would like a copy of our new brochure. Also, let me know if you need =
a map by mail or email. Arcola Mills is just 5 1/2 miles North of =
Stillwater on Arcola Trail, just off Highway 95.=20
Hope to see you there! If you need a Louisiana Waterthrush on your life =
list there's a good chance you can see one at Arcola Mills May 28th.=20
PS Our revised website is still under construction, but you can visit =
the old one at www.arcolamills.org <http://www.arcolamills.org>=20
Karen Eckman
Phone: 651-483-8460
Cell: 651-260-8534
k.eck...@comcast.net <mailto:k.eck...@comcast.net>

Mark Martell
Director of Bird Conservation
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Drive #106
St. Paul, MN 55125
651-731-1330 (FAX)

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