Westskyline Hawk Count has been up and running since 1 March.


As has been the case since the 4th of April, the weather has not improved 
although small flight have been counted. The only exception to this are the 
flights counted on the 20th and 21st. Both days saw an impressive early push of 
adult Broad-wings and nice flights of sharp-shins. 

The 20th saw the following: Turkey Vulture-80, Osprey-6, Bald Eagle-11, 
Sharp-shinned Hawk-115, Broad-winged Hawk-439, Red-tailed Hawk-59, Rough-legged 
Hawk-15, Golden Eagle-1, and American Kestrel-2. Total=728

The 21st saw the following: Turkey Vulture-93, Osprey-12, Bald Eagle-3, 
Northern Harrier-2, Sharp-shinned Hawk-250, Cooper's Hawk-1, Broad-winged 
Red-tailed Hawk-110, Rough-legged Hawk-19, Golden Eagle-2, and American 
Kestrel-2, Merlin-1. Total=1,482

Other birds sighting: 71 Common Loons were counted on the 21st, along with 23 
White Pelicans. On the 20th 18 White Pelicans and 1 Sandhill Crane. On the 
23rd 58 White Pelicans. 

The count was visited by many this past week. Many locals,  and 
hawkwatchers/birdwatchers from outside the area this week including Eric 
Delbecq from 
Chicago (3 days) and Russ Edmonds who helped me conduct the count. Also would 
to thank Dave Carman and Bruce Pomeroy (locals) who were out whenever possible.

Below you can view today and this season's count which is up to date as of 25 
April. You may also view the count on a daily basis at "HAWKCOUNT. ORG" and 
look for West Skyline Hawk Count. 

I would like to thank the MOU committee's and Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory for 
funding the count this year.

West Skyline Hawk Count

Minnesota, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 25, 2005


Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total

------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------

Black Vulture                0              0              0

Turkey Vulture               0            546            549

Osprey                       0             51             51

Bald Eagle                   0            718           2764

Northern Harrier             0             27             28

Sharp-shinned Hawk           1            983           1002

Cooper's Hawk                0             16             20

Northern Goshawk             0              3              9

Red-shouldered Hawk          0              3              4

Broad-winged Hawk            0           1776           1776

Red-tailed Hawk              0           2328           2405

Rough-legged Hawk            0            114            120

Golden Eagle                 0              9             46

American Kestrel             0             33             33

Merlin                       0             11             11

Peregrine Falcon             1              1              1

Unknown                      0              0              0

Total:                       2           6619           8819


Report submitted by: 
Frank Nicoletti
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory

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