Birded Dakota Co. late Saturday afternoon, ending up at Lake Bylessby.  It 
was pretty birdy with large flocks of Blackbirds flying.  Lake Bylessby was 
quiet.  Thirteen species of waterfowl were counted there with a three more 
added at 140th Street.  the most common specie was probably the Common 
Merganser, although large swirls of ducks were seen to the south and assumed 
to be Mallards over the farm fields.  None of the large goose flocks were 
around when I arrived at about 4pm. however two flocks of about 50 Snow 
Geese each and a third flock of over 200 White Fronted Geese with about 20 
Snow Geese flew over between 5pm and 5:30.

Other birds of interest seen:
Northern (?) Shrike seen at the same location where I found one two weeks 
ago: south of Hastings at Hwy316 and Nicolai rd (CR91).
Great Blue Heron looking out of place on the ice at 180th.
Cedar Waxwings
Eastern Bluebirds - 2 males at 140th.
Killdeer heard at L. Bylessby.
Sharp-shinned Hawk

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN 

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