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If you have read the March-April issue, you should have read about a new 
Youth Birding Club. Let me remind everyone and make a double request.

We are starting a Youth Birding Club for youth ages 12-16. The emphasis will 
be on field trips and helping youth develop their birding skills. Please 
encourage any 12-16 year olds to join us for our first session on April 15th 
9:00-11:00 at the Wood Lake Nature Center at 735 Lake Shore Drive in Richfield. 

Would you kindly have interested youth let me know they will be attending the 
first session or you do so for them. Thanks.

To reach the center, take I-35W to the 66th Street exit. Go east to the 
second stop light and turn right onto Lake Shore Drive. The center's parking 
lot is 
only one block farther.

Mark Alt, my son Mike and I will lead the first session. If you, as an MOU 
member, are willing to assist with future field trips, please contact me 

Bob Holtz, Coordinator
Youth Mentorship Program

If you are too busy to go birding, you are too busy.

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<DIV>If you have read the March-April issue, you should have read about a ne=
w Youth Birding Club. Let me remind everyone and make a double request.</DIV=
<DIV>We are starting a Youth Birding Club for youth ages 12-16. The emphasis=
 will be on field trips and helping youth develop their birding skills. Plea=
se encourage any 12-16 year olds to join us for our first session on April 1=
5th from 9:00-11:00 at the Wood Lake Nature Center at 735 Lake Shore Drive i=
n Richfield. </DIV>
<DIV>Would you kindly have interested youth let me know they will be attendi=
ng the first session or you do so for them. Thanks.</DIV>
<DIV>To reach the center, take I-35W to the 66th Street exit. Go east to the=
 second stop light and turn right onto Lake Shore Drive. The center's parkin=
g lot is only one block farther.</DIV>
<DIV>Mark Alt, my son Mike and I will lead the first session. If you, as an=20=
MOU member, are willing to assist with&nbsp;future field trips, please conta=
ct me&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz, Coordinator</DIV>
<DIV>Youth Mentorship Program</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>If you are too busy to go birding, you are too busy.</FONT></DIV></BODY></H=


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