Hooray for Colorado. Other states should follow suit. Everyone,=20
including birders, who uses state wildlife land should contribute=20
directly to its purchase and maintenance.
Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota

Begin forwarded message:

From: food...@aol.com
Date: March 23, 2006 8:47:57 AM CST
To: sd-bi...@yahoogroups.com, sf...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sd-birds] Colorado New Wildlife Habitat Stamp

South Dakota birders,

For those who may be going to Colorado this year I thought I'd give a
heads-up. I am leading a trip April 7-14 for Lesser Prairie Chicken=20
Gunnison Sage
Grouse and White-tailed Ptarmigan (more of course, but these are the=20
targets) and
got a kind post from a birder Re: the new Habitat Stamp required on=20
State Wildlife Areas. I had heard of it, but was not too worried.

I then got a post forwarded by Bill Schmoker from COBIRDS that detailed=20=

requirements   for the new Wildlife Stamp. And the wardens are checking.

So I waited a lot on CO state telephone lines (no 800 numbers there) and
heard recordings about how much killing birds and bears cost=20
innumerable times,
but did finally get someone who could answer a few simple questions=20
(she was

YES. Each *person* needs a license--not just each car.

At first I had been told the licenses had to be purchased in CO at Div.=20=

Wildlife Offices or places like Wal-mart where hunting licenses are=20

BUT=85 they are available on line. I just purchased mine for $10.25.   =
line to the following address and follow the easy steps (MasterCard or=20=

Visa in
hand) to get a license.

<<<www.wildlife.state.co.us>>> is the official site.

You can see if <<<https://www1.wildlifelicense.com/co/>>> works=20
That is the page where licenses are sold.

BTW, I heartily approve. We should pay too. I have bought Duck Stamps=20
years (as have many of us) but our contribution (admittedly probably=20
NOT ZERO) shows up counted towards hunters' funding. This controversy=20
Re: buying
duck stamps can be easily altered by this simple approach. Bravo,=20

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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