Becky Oberlander and I birded the Rothsay area of Wilkin Cty today from
10:30 to 1:30. An area along #52 south of Barnesville had open water
along the road (almost looked like a spring) with 25 Canada Geese
swimming in it. Total count of Rough-legged Hawks for us was about 20,
with both light and dark morphed seen. One meadowlark, not singing. At
least one adult Bald Eagle seen, and either a second one was seen, or
the same one was seen a second time.

We did observe a male Northern Harrier repeatedly flying in aerial loops
like an acrobat over a field - he'd swoop and fly way up and around, and
then down almost to the ground, and skim just above the ground a few
feet and then back up again, over and over and over, until he finally
went down in some grass and we never saw him come up again. Has anyone
else observed this behavior before?

Connie Norheim
Fargo, ND

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