The next MOU meeting is changing dates, Best Buy no longer allows =
nonprofits to use their space. They had confirmed yes, then notified me =
- no. I checked with the MN river valley refuge and they changed their =
policy as well. Wood Lake is the plan now, yet to be confirmed. I am =
planning the meeting fro April 10, 2006, to start at 6:00 pm and end at =
9:00 pm. The agenda remains the same.=20

9:00 PM.

6:30 PM                 Words of Welcome                        Mark Alt
6:35 PM         December Meeting Minutes        Shirley Alt
6:40 PM         New Board Members Proposed      Mark Alt
*       Conservation Chair - Don Mitchell
*       Education Chair - Chris Benson
6:45 PM         Treasurer's Report                      Erika Sitz
6:55 PM         Membership Secretary            Elizabeth Bell
7:05 PM         Finance Committee                       Paul Voigt
7:10 PM         Grant awards                            Ann Kessen
7:25 PM         Publications Committee          Tony Hertzel
7:30 PM         Avian Records Committee         Ann Kessen
7:35 PM                 Electronics Committee                   Dave
7:40 PM         Conservation Committee          Don Mitchell
7:45 PM         Education Committee                     Chris Benson
                        Recruitment                             Roger
7:50 PM         Field Trip Organization                 Kim Eckert
8:05 PM         Field Trip Chair status                         Mark Alt
8:10 PM         MOURC                                   Jim Mattson
8:15 PM         Resources Committee                     Bob Janssen
8:20 PM         Former President                        Jerry Bonkoski
8:25 PM         New Business
*       Slide Collection                Mark Alt
8:45 PM         Adjourn Meeting                         Mark Alt

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