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Alice Hanley, manager of Big Stone NWR, informed me that there will be =
yearlong drawdown of Pools A & B this year in order to facilitate
construction of a new water control structure on the refuge.  The drawd=
has already begun but the rather plentiful spring runoff may keep water=

levels too high until May.  Certainly a place to watch for maybe May an=
early June shorebirds this spring and fall migration beginning in July.=

Bob Russell, USFWS=

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Content-Disposition: inline

<p>Alice Hanley, manager of Big Stone NWR, informed me that there will =
be a yearlong drawdown of Pools A &amp; B this year in order to facilit=
ate construction of a new water control structure on the refuge.  The d=
rawdown has already begun but the rather plentiful spring runoff may ke=
ep water levels too high until May.  Certainly a place to watch for may=
be May and early June shorebirds this spring and fall migration beginni=
ng in July.  Bob Russell, USFWS</body></html>=


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