
A while back I posted my concerns about MOU trips and the asking why the 
decline of weekend trips.  I got several responses and it all comes down to 
one thing.  Everyone enjoys the MOU trips and want them to continue but with 
recent gas hikes many birders like to stay put and bird locally.  So I came 
with an idea of some MOU bird walks in the Twin Cities area.  Since I am the 
chairman and I live in Duluth, I do not have to attend these walks but I am 
looking for people who could lead them.

* The MOU trips listed on the MOU website will still be offered to those 
that want to explore other parts of the state.
* The MOU boat trips are filling up. If you have not sent in your 
reservation please do so.

To be a local leader on these walks you do not have to be a expert, or an 
elite birder or anything like that.  All I am looking for are a handful of 
birders who do not mind setting up a meeting spot,  a destination on where 
you plan on birding, inform birders what time you are going to meet and 
where, and how long the trip will be.  The leader will announce the walk on 
the MOU-Net a week before the bird walk and that's about it!! EASY!

These trips will be offered 1- 3 times per month.

Here is what I am looking for:

1. A birder that knows the Twin Cities area.
2. A birder that enjoys birding with other birders.
3. A birder that can organize a 4 hour walk or a longer walk.
4. The level of these leaders can be rookie birder to a hard core birder. As 
long as you know the park and some of the birds that reside in that park 
that is good enough for me.  If you see a bird that stumps you then as a 
group you can all figure out its identification and learn from each other by 
using bird guides.
5. If you do not have a scope that is fine. As long as you own a pair of 
binoculars and a bird guide that is all I ask.  I will try to get you some 
MN state bird lists to hand out.

What I am envisioning is a bird hike where all levels of birders meet, take 
a hike in a park/nature center or refuge and see birds.  I want birders to 
learn from each other and share tips, form friendships and just have a good 
time.  A good ol fashion bird hike.

I would like to get going on these Saturday MOU Bird Walks and if your 
interested please let me know ASAP.  If you usually go out birding on 
Saturday mornings some where in the Twin Cities then I am looking for you to 
help me out.

I guide lots of birders from all over the U.S. and its not uncommon 
listening to them talk about their state bird club or local bird club and 
all the 1/2 day or full day hikes they offer.  So I am trying something new 
here.  How many times people wonder if the Snowy Owls are still being seen 
at the Mpls airport. Well a organize trip with a leader that knows the ins 
and outs on how to view these owls will be a plus to many birders who like a 
helping hand getting around or a birder visiting Mpls on business who would 
like to come along to see these owls.  These hikes could be very popular in 
the spring. How many birders do not like to bird Murphy H. Regional Park 
because of all the confusing trails?  A organize trip by some one who knows 
the trails would be a asset to those like me who always gets lost in this 

So please reply if you would like to lead a MOU Saturday Bird Walk

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks

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