The MOU is a fine organization...lest we forget, run entirely by volunteers.
Most of the big guys I know in the MOU are sincerely good people.  One of
the jobs of a few of the big guys is to make sure some of us smaller guys
(and gals) don't go chasing all over the country after birds that are
possibly misidentified.  Another group has the unenvious task of actually
reviewing records. Whereas it is wrong to be critical of one another's
sightings, it is sometimes prudent to be skeptical.  Even the big guys
misidentify birds from time to time; we are all human and thus capable of
error- this includes errors in judgement.  I know I have made such errors.

When we start taking sides on difficult issues, we create winners and
losers.  We all care about birds, and thus have a commonality of purpose.
Let's promote this common good.

Randy (self professed little guy) Frederickson

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