I'll post this on my blog.  Last night I received from a Chicago Audubon
member a story from the Chicago Sun-Times about the owl invasion,
interviewing Dave Willard.  I had a chance to meet and spend some time
with Dave Willard, who is doing the stomach content analyses of the owls
for the Field Museum--we'll be comparing data because I've been amassing
data of people's observations of owls eating non-vole food items.

The Sun-Times article is here:



Laura Erickson
Duluth, MN

Staff Ornithologist

There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of birds. 
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of
nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the

                        --Rachel Carson

> There will be a Northern Owl symposium held in Duluth on March 16-18,
> 2006. Speakers are being lined up from around the world, to participate
> in this symposium titled "Owls on the move - When, Where and Why: A
> Symposium on Northern Owls".  The event will be hosted by the Hawk Ridge
> Bird Observatory and the Natural Resources Research Institute,
> University of Minnesota, Duluth. Plans are to kick it off Friday
> evening, 3/16/06; have seminars and speakers Saturday, 3/17/05; with
> area field trips planned for Sunday, 3/18/06. Minnesota Audubon, the
> MOU, the Minnesota DNR, the USDA Forest Service, the Raptor Center, and
> Wolf Ridge  Environmental Learning Center all support and are involved
> in planning  this event. The plan is to address three components of
> Northern Owl irruption: the biological, management, and socio-economic
> aspects. I want to get the word out now on this to share my excitement
> about it and for birders everywhere to get a chance to plan for it. As
> plans firm up and speakers and venues are confirmed, there will be other
> announcements shared. Please feel free to share this with other
> organizations and people you feel may share an interest in it. If you
> wish to be involved, there will be opportunities, I will keep in touch.
> Good Birding.
> Mark Alt
> President,
> Minnesota Ornithologists Union
> J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History
> University of Minnesota
> 10 Church Street SE
> Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104
> MOU.mn.org
> mark....@bestbuy.com
> Cell:  612-803-9085
> _______________________________________________
> mou-net mailing list
> mou-...@cbs.umn.edu
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