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This report is to add the the list of sightings of Northern Owls being 
reported in Minnesota.

There have been up to 3 Hawk owls in the Sax-Zim Bog so far this fall. The 
first was seen on 10/21 on CR 788 (hatch year). The other two were seen on 
by Christina Tarasczuk and Dave Alexander.   There have been birders up 
several times this week and no one has been able to locate any birds. 
As part of an ongoing study of hawk owls started last winter, I would 
appreiate any sighting in Minnesota with location and date. I am currently 
starting a 
data base of each bird sighting in Minnesota for the upcoming Fall/winter/ 
spring season. 

The Lakewood owl crew (Frank and Kate Nicoletti, Ryan Brady and Dave 
Alexander) have capture and banded five Boreal Owls thus far this fall. Single 
have been capture each of the following nights: 10/9, 10/17, 10/19, 10/20 and 

Frank Nicoletti
5826 Morning Star Drive
Duluth MN 55804

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">This report is to add the the list of s=
ightings of Northern Owls being reported in Minnesota.<BR>
There have been up to 3 Hawk owls in the Sax-Zim Bog so far this fall. The f=
irst was seen on 10/21 on CR 788 (hatch year). The other two were seen on 10=
/25 by Christina Tarasczuk and Dave Alexander.&nbsp;  There have been birder=
s up several times this week and no one has been able to locate any birds. <=
As part of an ongoing study of hawk owls started last winter, I would apprei=
ate any sighting in Minnesota with location and date. I am currently startin=
g a data base of each bird sighting in Minnesota for the upcoming Fall/winte=
r/ spring season. <BR>
The Lakewood owl crew (Frank and Kate Nicoletti, Ryan Brady and Dave Alexand=
er) have capture and banded five Boreal Owls thus far this fall. Single bird=
s have been capture each of the following nights: 10/9, 10/17, 10/19, 10/20=20=
and 10/23.<BR>
Frank Nicoletti<BR>
5826 Morning Star Drive<BR>
Duluth MN 55804<BR>

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