When I got home yesterday and looked at the photos I'd posted on a good 
computer monitor, I had two thoughts--"Ooops!" and "Wow--based on his 
response to my report, Tony Hertzel's really a polite guy."  The photos I 
posted were clearly of two birds, and equally clearly of Ring-billed Gulls.

As I noted, when we first discovered the interesting bird flying overhead, 
no one took photos, and the wingtip edges looked absolutely clean, and the 
tail mark looked clean.  I want to think I saw that the tail was slightly 
notched, but we didn't note that aloud as we watched it, so that may have 
popped into my head after consulting a field guide.  I noted the tiny bill, 
tapering at the tip (which the photos I posted belie!)  One person noted 
clearly the nape pattern while I was trying to keep track of the upper wing 
pattern.  We well may actually have seen a kittiwake.  But the truth is, if 
I could so easily jump on the next ring-bill flying by 10 minutes later, 
I'd discount the report myself, so I'm glad Tony did.

It's SO important for MOURC members and for people doing hotlines to make 
sure of the accuracy of reports.  Trusting or discounting reports simply on 
the basis of who makes them is neither scientific nor helpful to birders 
who want accurate information.  (Though perhaps if you ever read post of 
mine about a kittiwake again, EVER, that isn't in a huge colony on an 
Alaskan island, you'd be smart to think twice.)

On a much happier note, last night a hummingbird finally showed up in my 
yard, and he's back this morning.

Laura Erickson
Duluth, MN

Staff Ornithologist Binoculars.com

There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of 
birds.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of 
nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

                                 --Rachel Carson

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