It's been a wet week at Deep Portage, and the
birding still seems slow.  3 Gray Catbirds, 2
Redstarts (one a recapture from last May) a
Wilson's Warbler and an Ovenbird were all the
banding station could muster today.  Birds from
the last day or two:

Green Heron
Sora (Pine River)
Virginia Rail (Pine River)
Wilson's Phalarope (Longville and Walker)
Least Sandpiper
Dowitcher spp.
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Yellow-throated Vireo (many)

Good numbers of Wilson's Warblers and American
Redstarts, but still waiting on several species
of warbler and sparrow.  Good luck to all the big
days going out this weekend.

Ben Wieland
Deep Portage Learning Center

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