The MOU has taken a first step and become a leaseholder on a parcel of =
land in St Louis County, in the Sax Zim Bog area, less than a mile from =
Owl Avenue. We are leasing 79 acres from Potlatch Corporation for a =
year. It will be posted for no trespassing except with the permission of =
the leaseholder, which is the MOU, so anyone who is a MOU member is a =
leaseholder, so come on down! The MOU Board is doing this to take a =
first step towards setting aside areas here for recreational birding. =
The DNR and MN Audubon are strong supporters of this initiative.  We =
hope it leads to other land being set aside, such as McDavitt for the =
woodpeckers, the Blue Spruce loop for Boreal specialties, and others. =
Perhaps it may lead to a birding trail. We are not certain of how to =
best use this plot, but we want it used, so I invite each of you to come =
visit and bird on it!  I will keep a tally of species reported on it and =
make notes on our usages.=20
        The legal description of the property is referencing the St Louis Plat =
book - it is the SW quarter of section 21 in T.54.N. - R.19W. For =
regular directions,  drive North from Cloquet to Cotton on Hwy 53, then =
turn west on Hwy 52 (Arkola Rd), past CR 7 (about 6 miles), then =
continue west another 5.5 miles to Owl Avenue (Township rd 203). Turn =
south on TR 203 and head south. Continue about 2 miles through a gradual =
"S" turn, (where TR 203 turns into TR 202), then you come to an =
intersection with S. Overton Rd. (TR 980). Turn West on TR 980 and =
proceed 1.75 miles, from this point to where TR 980 makes a 90 degree =
turn to head north, you are driving along the southern border of our =
property. As you turn north the Township Rd number is now TR 230, and =
the name of the road is now Overton Rd. The first =BD mile as you head =
north on TR 230, the MOU property borders you on your right.  There are =
boglands on the remote NE corner of the property, so we could get all =
types of northern specialties, potentially.
        We are arranging to have a small parking area set up for 6 cars or =
trucks in the area. We will be looking forward to hearing from all =
visitors to this little spot of woods up north; please let us know what =
is there! Good Birding!

Mark Alt=20
Minnesota Ornithologists Union
J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
10 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104
Cell:  612-803-9085

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