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Went west on Sunday and MOnday. Migration was still in progress. Shorebirds  
were still at the Dawson sewagesponds, White rumps, Wilsons Phalarope, and 
Semi  sandpiper. A half mile sounth in a small wet spot had a Turnstone. Only 
other  shorebird was a Lesser Yellowlegs flying down old highway 23 in  
Flycatchers were still migrating, had a Yellow-bellied flycatcher at a farm  
grove north of Cottonwood in Yellow Medicine County. Had several flocks of  
Eastern Kingbirds numbering from 3 to 5. 
I also did a night ride along the Minnesota river. I drove over 35 miles in  
Yellow Medicine, Redwood, and Renville counties stopping every 1/2 mile. I was 
 disappointed in that All I heard from 9:30 to 12:00a were 
1 Woodcock in Yellow Medicine
3 Whip-poor-wills in Renville
about 6 Short-billed Marsh wrens spread over all three counties
3 Yellowthroats
2 Long-billed Marsh wrens in Redwood co
and one strange sounding bird that was quite loud but I have no idea what  it 
might have been.
The night was calm but the temperature dropped quickly so can not explain  
the fact I heard no Owls, Rails, or bitterns. Even the Yellowheaded Blackbids  
were silent in Marshes I new they are in.
Paul Egeland

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<DIV>Went west on Sunday and MOnday. Migration was still in progress. Shoreb=
were still at the Dawson sewagesponds, White rumps, Wilsons Phalarope, and S=
sandpiper. A half mile sounth in a small wet spot had a Turnstone. Only othe=
shorebird was a Lesser Yellowlegs flying down old highway 23 in=20
<DIV>Flycatchers were still migrating, had a Yellow-bellied flycatcher at a=20=
grove north of Cottonwood in Yellow Medicine County. Had several flocks of=20
Eastern Kingbirds numbering from 3 to 5. </DIV>
<DIV>I also did a night ride along the Minnesota river. I drove over 35 mile=
s in=20
Yellow Medicine, Redwood, and Renville counties stopping every 1/2 mile. I w=
disappointed in that All I heard from 9:30 to 12:00a were </DIV>
<DIV>1 Woodcock in Yellow Medicine</DIV>
<DIV>3 Whip-poor-wills in Renville</DIV>
<DIV>about 6 Short-billed Marsh wrens spread over all three counties</DIV>
<DIV>3 Yellowthroats</DIV>
<DIV>2 Long-billed Marsh wrens in Redwood co</DIV>
<DIV>and one strange sounding bird that was quite loud but I have no idea wh=
it might have been.</DIV>
<DIV>The night was calm but the temperature dropped quickly so can not expla=
the fact I heard no Owls, Rails, or bitterns. Even the Yellowheaded Blackbid=
were silent in Marshes I new they are in.</DIV>
<DIV>Paul Egeland</DIV>


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