Ed Duerksen and Lester Rupp reported a Gyr from a mile NE of Pierce Lake.  A
verbal description of the bird included that it was a gray falcon at least
as large as a Red-tailed Hawk and was observed for some time.  I do not yet
have the written details.  The bird was found in the morning and I believe
they relocated it once or twice.  Attempts by two parties (including Ed D.,
Les, and myself) to relocate the bird in the afternoon proved unproductive.
There were many pheasants in the area where the bird was reported.

Results I have for the count so far have plenty of raptor highlights, but
smaller birds were generally more scarce.  The 33 species encountered

1 Great Blue Heron (first for the count)
1 Gyrfalcon (First reported for count and obviously the most unexpected)
5 Bald Eagles
1 Merlin
1 Sharp-shinned (bluejay sized male seen at about 10 feet)
13 Redtailed Hawks
3 Rough-legged Hawks (a new and long overdue species for the count)
15 Gray Partridge
106 Pheasants (I am sure this is a conservative count)
1 Mourning Dove
1 Brown Creeper
51 House Finch
1 White Throated Sparrow

Plus a count week Ring-necked Duck

Misses so far include Flicker, any blackbirds, siskin, Purple finch, any
owls, waxwings, and robins

Brad Bolduan

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