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Black Dog, west lake on ice

A sleeping immature white-winged gull caught my eye among resting large gulls 
viewed from the observation platform along Black Dog Rd. It was partially 
obscurred by other gulls, but it appeared to be the same-size or slightly 
smaller than adjacent HEGUs. It lifted its head for a second and the two-toned 
bill appeared dark on outer one-half, not outer one-third as in Glaucous Gull. 
The bill also seemed smaller than adjacent HEGUs. The flock lifted off and 
circled for a minute and the bird appeared uniform buffy overall but with 
contrastingly white primaries. It did not seem bulky enough for Glaucous Gull. 
When it landed, it's head was more round and its bill appreared slightly 
smaller than HEGUs. I assumed it was a 2nd winter bird based on its rather 
muddy (not neatly patterned) coverts and its two-toned bill.  Unfortunately, it 
was absorbed within seconds and concealed by the throng of other gulls and the 
viewing time was frustratingly short, ergo the subject line qualifier "
 Possible" Iceland Gull. I would like to know if others have seen a bird of 
similar description. 

Also, the Black-legged Kittiwake was present in the flock as well. This is day 
#14 for this individual.

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<DIV>Black Dog, west lake on ice</DIV>
<DIV>A sleeping immature white-winged gull caught my eye among resting large 
gulls viewed from the observation platform along Black Dog Rd. It was partially 
obscurred by other gulls, but it appeared&nbsp;to be the&nbsp;same-size or 
slightly smaller than adjacent HEGUs. It lifted its head for a second and the 
two-toned bill appeared dark on outer one-half, not outer one-third as in 
Glaucous Gull.&nbsp;The bill also seemed smaller than adjacent HEGUs. The flock 
lifted off and circled for a&nbsp;minute&nbsp;and the bird appeared uniform 
buffy overall&nbsp;but with contrastingly white&nbsp;primaries.&nbsp;It did not 
seem bulky enough for Glaucous Gull. When it landed, it's head was more round 
and its bill&nbsp;appreared slightly smaller than HEGUs.&nbsp;I assumed&nbsp;it 
was a 2nd winter bird based on its rather muddy (not neatly patterned) coverts 
and its two-toned bill. &nbsp;Unfortunately, it was absorbed within seconds and 
concealed by the throng of other gulls and the viewin
 g time was frustratingly short, ergo the subject line qualifier "Possible" 
Iceland Gull. I would like to know if others have seen a bird of similar 
description. </DIV>
<DIV>Also, the Black-legged Kittiwake was present in the flock as well. This is 
day #14 for this individual.</DIV>

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