Hello all,

At 3:00 this afternoon, I relocated the Varied Thrush reported yesterday
by Ben Fritchman in the Oakport Township area of north Moorhead. I found
the thrush at 608 Wall Street. There is a mailbox there with "608" on it
and a wooden fence running to the north with a row of crabapples along the
west side of the fence. I spotted the thrush on the ground about halfway
along the row. It poked around on the ground for about 10-15 seconds and
then flew right up into one of the crabs where it was completely out of
sight. It stayed in the crab for about 5 minutes and then dropped back to
the ground for 10-15 seconds and then back up into the tree. It repeated
this for about 15 minutes then stayed up in the tree until I left at 3:30.

I believe this is an adult female as it has a gray breastband, gray head
markings, and is generally drab overall.

Thanks again to Ben for the original posting - nice find Ben!

Good Birding!


Patrick Beauzay
Department of Entomology
217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105


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