Looks like one of the birds has a green neck collar.  Were you able to read
the number/letter sequence?  Its likely a trumpeter banded in Iowa.  We had
4 neck collar sightings on Tamarac NWR this past fall.  Two of them were
banded in Crex Meadows, Wisconsin, one in Iowa and the fourth was banded in
Vickery Ohio (some 750 miles away).  We are starting to see a good mix of
the regional population now.  I'm sure the bander would appreciate the
report.  Here's Iowa Trumpeter Swan website:

Wayne Brininger
Wildlife Biologist
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
35704 Co. Rd 26
Rochert, MN  56578
(218) 847-2641

             Sent by:                                                   To 
             mou-net-ad...@cbs         "mou" <mou-...@cbs.umn.edu>         
             .umn.edu                                                   cc 
             02/01/2007 11:18          [mou] Late Post Trumpters           

These guys were tooting their own horn yesterday morning at the park on the
Minnesota side across from Prescott Wi. Just North of the bridge. They can
be seen from the parking lot...


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