Today Butch Ukura and I birded around Duluth, Superior, St. Louis County 
and Aitkin County.
At the Superior landfill, we found GLAUCOUS GULLS, THAYER'S GULLS AND an 
ICELAND GULL. The NORTHERN HAWK OWL was in its spot on county road 4 
near the coffee shop. On owl avenue in Sax Zim area we found only GRAY 
JAYS and PINE GROSBEAKS. This might be because it was so windy. We came 
home by way of Hedbom Forest Road and found a couple from Ohio looking 
at a GREAT GRAY OWL. We joined them in watching it. The owl was on a 
snag on the north side of the road in the area where the woodpecker 
working is most extensive. The couple from Ohio also mentioned that they 
had spent about two hours walking through the tamaracks and found a 
Warren Nelson

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