I have read the e-mail from Jim Williams on the salaries of the CEOs of
certain conservation organizations.  It was indeed enlightening! I wonder:
  1.  What salary and expenses, if any, are paid to members of the boards of
these organizations?
  2.  Would the organizations argue that these amounts are what they have to
pay to get a quality conservation CEO these days?  In the conservation
movement, are there any people equally conpetent who would suffer a lesser
  3.  Some of them hire professional fund raisers and membership solicitors.
How much of the membership dues and fundraising go to the outside
  4.  Do outside for-profit organizations prepare the fancy material we
receive in the mail seeking contributions from us concerning various
environmental issues?  What does that cost?
  5.  How much of the "contributed" dollar actually goes to address the
stated purpose of the particular conservation organization?  ----- Original
Message ----- 
From: "Jim Williams" <two-j...@att.net>
To: "MOU net" <mou-...@cbs.umn.edu>
Cc: "WisBirdNet Network" <wisbi...@lawrence.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: [mou] conservation salaries

> How many basic memberships does it take to pay the salaries of the
> executives who lead our major conservation organizations? I had no
> idea, indeed, the thought never crossed my mind until I saw the Spring
> 06 issue of Pacific Seabirds, a conservation magazine. PS listed its
> most recent information on conservation-executive salaries. I post this
> not as criticism, for all of these organizations make important
> contributions. But..... it certainly takes a lot of us to pay the
> people in the CEO's chair. I might just come out of retirement if the
> NRDC job was to be offered to me.
> National Resources Defense Council, CEO received $704,796, equal to
> 70,479 memberships at its basic $10 enrollment level.
> Wildlife Conservation Society, $495,422, 6,605 memberships at basic $75.
> National Wildlife Federation, $477,138, 15,904 memberships at basic $30.
> The Nature Conservancy, $399,788, 15,991 memberships at basic $25.
> National Audubon Society, $362.237, 18,112 memberships at basic $20.
> Conservation International, $336,353, 9,610 memberships at basic $35.
> World Wildlife Fund, $310,781, 12,431 memberships at basic $25.
> Jim Williams
> Wayzata, Minnesota
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