Ruby-thrtd. Hbirds-------Beaver Creek Valley St. Pk.
Red-headed Woodpecker----Hillside Rd.  1A
Yell.-bell. Sap----------      "       1I
E. Wood Pewee------------      "       6
E. Phoebe----------------      "       1
E. Kingbird--------------      "
Yell. thrtd. Vireo-------      "  & BCVSP  6+/-
Warbling V.--------------      "        1
Red-eyed V.--------------      "     "  12
Tufted Titmouse----------      "        1
House Wren---------------            "  1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher----            "  1
E. Bluebird--------------      "
thrush, sp. heard call only          "
Cedar Waxwing------------      "        1
Blue-w. Warbler----------      "        1
Golden-w.  "   ----------      "        1
Tennessee Wa.------------
Chestnut-sided Wa.-------            "  1
Magnolia-----------------      "     "  3
Blackburnian ------------            "  1
Bay-brstd. --------------      "     "  4
Black & white------------      
Am. Redstart-------------
Black-thrtd. Green Wa.---            "  1
Rose brstd. Grosbeak-----            "  2

Eurasian Collared Dove---  Adult on nest,usual site,  
                           power substation,
                           (Do they ever not nest?!)
We may have seen more than 4 Bay-breasted Warblers. We
were surprised to see them again & again at various

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis.
Nancy Overcott, Houston Co. Minn.

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