> September 11, 2006
> Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
> Wright/Meeker Counties Birding Day
> Field trip report
> 8 - participants
> 90 - species of birds observed
> Enjoyed an interesting trip to Wright and Meeker counties today.  We
> observed very few Warblers in the mourning, but then hit on some nice 
> waves
> in the afternoon.  The row of Spruce & Pine trees near the office at
> Collinwood Lake County park in Wright county had a nice group of birds,
> including Red-breasted Nuthatches, Dark-eyed Juncos and eleven species of
> Warblers.  There is also a small lake with some mud flats along Highway 
> 12,
> just West of the town of Cokato.  We had a small mix of shorebirds, ducks
> and Gulls there.  Looked like this area should remain good for some time.
> We also spent some time searching through 100s of Franklins Gulls at the
> Dassel sewer ponds and while we did not turn up any unusual Gulls.  We did
> see most of the Swallows and several Red-necked Phalaropes there.  Here 
> were
> a few of the species observed during the trip.
> Osprey - Wright county, Crawford Lake
> Red-necked Phalarope - Meeker county, Dassel Sewer ponds, the ponds are
> located on the East side of Highway 15, a block
>                       north of Highway 12.
> Bonaparte's Gull - Meeker county, Highway 15, at the Pigeon Lake over 
> look,
> about 4 miles South of the town of Dassel.
> Common Nighthawk - Hennepin county, a number of birds were observed in
> flight at several locations while we were
>                   traveling to Meeker county at sunrise.
> Northern Flicker - observed in large numbers throughout both counties.
> Eastern Kingbird - Wright county, Observed near the entrance to Collinwood
> Lake county park.
> Blue-headed Vireo - Wright and Meeker counties.
> Purple Martin - Meeker county, an immature bird was observed at the Dassel
> Sewer ponds.
> Red-breasted Nuthatch - Wright County, Collinwood Lake county park.
> Warblers - Thirteen species including a single Cape May Warbler at the
> Crawford Lake county park/public boat access.
> Craig Mandel
> Hennepin County

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