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The weather sites on internet forecasted winds from the east at 10-15 =
mph and a chance of rain of 50%. WELL they were wrong! the winds were =
gusting at 25-30mph from the east and it basically rained all day! The =
waves were cresting nearly 7 feet! So the boat tri pwas cancelled due to =
the weather BUT that did not stop me in showing my group of 26 birders =
some jaegers. We birded the 12 street viewing area at Park Point and =
also down in the park at the bath house.=20
- 3 Parasitic Jaegers ( adult light morph adults )
- 5 unidentified jaegers species=20
* We did not see any Sabine's Gulls or Little Gulls.

I am though aware that birders did see 2-3 Sabine's Gulls & the juv. =
Little Gull at the 12th Street viewing area today. These sightings were =
between 9am and 10am. Also birders at WI Pt reported a Sabine's Gull as =

Other birds today:
-Field Sparrow near the bath house at Park Pt. ( Matt Mecklenberg found =
the sparrow )
-Water Pipits, Lapland Longspurs were found at the Bayside Park.
-2 Peregrine Falcons at Lafayette Square=20

** Birders without scopes were able to get fine looks of the jaegers =
from shore.  Tomorrows forecast is suppose to be a partly cloudy day =
with 14 mph. northwest winds Hawk Ridge should redeem itself from its =
washout today. I would bet there were more jaeger sightings today vs. =
hawk sightings, Sunday should be the other way around.=20
Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>The weather sites on internet =
winds from the east at 10-15 mph and a chance of rain of 50%. WELL they =
wrong! the winds were gusting at 25-30mph from the east and it basically =
all day! The waves were cresting nearly 7 feet! So the boat tri pwas =
due to the weather BUT that did not stop me in showing my group of 26 =
some jaegers. We birded the 12 street&nbsp;viewing area at Park Point =
and also=20
down in the park at the bath house. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>-&nbsp;3 Parasitic Jaegers ( =
adult light=20
morph adults )</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>- 5 unidentified jaegers=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>* We did not see any Sabine's =
Gulls or=20
Little Gulls.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I am though aware that =
birders did see=20
2-3 Sabine's Gulls &amp; the juv. Little Gull&nbsp;at the 12th Street =
area today. These sightings were between 9am and 10am. Also birders at =
WI Pt=20
reported a Sabine's Gull as well.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Other birds =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>-Dunlin</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>-Field Sparrow near the bath =
house at=20
Park Pt. ( Matt Mecklenberg found the sparrow )</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>-Water Pipits, Lapland =
Longspurs were=20
found at the Bayside Park.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>-2 Peregrine Falcons at =
Lafayette Square=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>** Birders without scopes =
were able to=20
get fine looks of the jaegers from shore.&nbsp; Tomorrows forecast is =
suppose to=20
be a partly cloudy day with&nbsp;14 mph. northwest winds Hawk Ridge =
redeem itself from its washout today. I would bet there were more jaeger =

sightings today vs. hawk sightings, Sunday should be the other way=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Michael =


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