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I know my dragonflies fairly well but today while birding at Lafayette =
Square I noticed this weird looking grasshopper. It was all tan color, =
cone shape head, elongated body with long spiny legs.  The father of boy =
that had two lifers with me, told me that the grasshopper is either a =
cone-headed grasshopper or a cone-headed katydid. I have photos of the =
insect and will be willing to forward it to someone who knows =
grasshoppers/katydids.  Is a Cone-headed Grasshopper a rare one for =
these parts in northeast Minnesota? I never seen one before until today.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I know my dragonflies fairly =
well but=20
today while birding at Lafayette Square I noticed this weird looking=20
grasshopper. It was all tan color, cone shape head, elongated body with =
spiny legs.&nbsp; The father of boy that had two lifers with me, told me =
the grasshopper is either a cone-headed grasshopper or a cone-headed =
katydid. I=20
have photos of the insect and will be willing to forward it to someone =
who knows=20
grasshoppers/katydids.&nbsp; Is a Cone-headed Grasshopper a rare one for =
parts in northeast Minnesota? I never seen one before until =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Michael =


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