As best I can read the spread sheets across multiple
screens, there were on these dates 33,710 Tundra Swans
on Pools 4-13 of the Upper Miss. R. Refuge. The
largest concentration, 18,300 on Pool 8, was mostly in
Wis., but some in Minn. next to the riverbank. On Pool
7(Wis.) were 7000. On Pool 9(Iowa) were 2600. Pool 8
is a fine sight to see & sound to hear. Dozens of Bald
Eagles, including "kettles" of 12 to 15 above the

1,000s of Ring-n. Ducks on Pool 8 in Wis. Maybe a few
stray into Minn. Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis. 

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