Hello all,

I went out birding at Como Lake/Park this morning as part of the Ramsey 
County Bird Festival.  The walk was led by Val Cunningham and Clay 
Christensen.  Overall we saw 37 species between 8am and noon with 
Redheads(3), Palm Warblers (many), and Chimney Swifts (2) the 
highlights of the morning.

After lunch, I went to Bass Ponds.  Things started slow but the weather 
changed quickly and birds started dropping out of the sky.  After a 
short rain, they were everywhere.

(seen near marker #6)
Sora - (1 - Calling and seen)
Yellow Warblers (1 seen but more heard)
Northern Waterthrush (3)
Caspian Tern (1 - flying overhead from Long Meadow Lake)
Palm Warblers (3)

Eastern Towhee (1 - seen near marker #10)
Swainson's Thrush (1 - seen near marker #9)

 From there, drove down to Old Cedar Ave Bridge

Brown Thrasher (wood pile near parking lot)
Yellow-headed Blackbirds (4 - seen from observation deck)
Sora (1 - flushed along boardwalk)
Marsh Wren (1 - along boardwalk)

Overall - 54 species

Derek Bakken
St. Paul, MN

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