Sherburne (primarily refuge) & southern Mille Lacs new arrivals/week 

* 5/5, Sherburne Refuge (Mahnomen & Blue Hill Trail with Mark Junghans): 
Golden-winged Warbler, Lincoln Sparrows, Sora (late)

* 5/4, Sherburne Refuge (Blue Hill Trail):  Black-throated Green Warbler, 
Pine Warbler (awfully late first sighting), Rose-breasted Grosbeak; House 
Wren in Princeton

* 5/3, Milaca Hiking Trails & Pioneer Park (both Mille Lacs County): 
Orange-Crowned Warbler, Chimney Swift, Solitary Sandpiper

* 5/2, Sherburne Refuge (Mahnomen Trail), CR 2 Ponds, Highway 169 temporary 
pond:  Black & White Warbler, Lesser Yellowlegs

* 5/1, Sherburne Refuge (Auto Tour), Pioneer Park, CR 2 Ponds:  Western 
Meadowlark (late but unusual), Northern Waterthrush, Black & White Warbler

12 sparrow, nine warbler, 11 duck, 89 total species on week in area. 
Warbler waves on Thursday & Friday on Blue Hill Trail, mostly YR's with some 
mixture.  Looking forward to the next two weeks!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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