Morning walk in Snail Lake Park (Ramsey Co 96 & Rice St) - I'm going to call
this part Sucker Lake trails because I met a local who called it that. The
Sucker Lake trail is actually in Snail Lake Park but there is another trail
around the actual Snail Lake and he called that the Snail Lake trail. He
also said it was good for birding.
Tally for the morning

yellow warblers
Baltimore Orioles
orchard oriole
magnolia warbler
warbling vireo
yellow throated vireo (a first)
golden crowned kinglet (first one in 4 weeks)
plam warbler
cedar waxwings
yellow bellied sapsucker
red breasted nuthatch

No white throated sparrows or eastern towhees where they had been Sunday.
Larry Sirvio
Cottage Grove

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