The Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter (MRVAC) program this Thursday
features Don Arnosti, former director of Audubon MN and now Forest Program
Director at The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, speaking about
the "Challanges and Opportunities for Chilean Forests.

We've all heard about logging in the Amazon rain forest but we don't hear
much about other forests in South America. Mr. Arnosti will describe how
free trade has impacted Chile's forests, its habitat, birds and people.  He
will also discuss how fair trade and sustainable bird friendly alternatives,
being demonstrated in Minnesota, can affect this situation.


Our programs are free and open to the public.   We encourage you to come
early for viewing the art in the gallery, watching a bird ID video/DVD in
the auditorium or socializing over coffee and cookies - beginning at 6:45
p.m. After a brief business meeting begining at 7:30, we will introduce the
featured speaker.  The meeting concludes at 9:00 p.m.

 The Visitor Center is located at 3815 American Blvd. E in Bloomington,
across from the Airport Hilton Hotel. From I-494, exit on 34th Ave. and
drive south. Turn left on American Blvd. E and drive 1/4 mile to the
entrance on the right.  Or, just follow the signs.  There's plenty of free
parking.  The Visitor Center is also about a 12-minute walk from the
Bloomington Central light rail stop.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

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