Refound the Common Moorhen on Saturday.  Not sure this is the same place
Phillip referred to but ours was at the quarry road, which is two gates
south of the Minnesota River on Cty Rd 15.  The bird was in the open water
almost right next to the road and was actively calling, presumably trying to
attract a mate we would guess.

Had 7 species of shorebirds at the mud flats off Cty Rd 21, including 8
Marbled Godwits, one Willet, and a single Piping Plover keeping company with
a Semipalmated Plover on the opposite side from the dam.  It was running
around some rocks on the mud flat and would occasionally disappear for
lengths of time.

Dennis and Barbara Martin

> Presently, conditions at the refuge's East Pool - the pool bounded by the
highway-75 dam - are excellent, with extensive mud/sand flats.  The East
Pool held 174 shorebirds of 10 species last Saturday, 17 June - a
respectable tally given the date, which is too late for most spring migrants
but too early for most fall migrants; most notable among these was a single
Piping Plover.

> Also at the refuge, on 11 June there was a single Common Moorhen.  From
refuge headquarters, on CR 15, head south.  On the east (left) side of the
road, at the second gate south of the Yellow Bank River, park and walk past
the gate; the moorhen was in the open channel immediately to your left,
about 50 yards beyond the gate.
> Phil Chu
> Department of Biology
> St. John's University
> Collegeville, MN 56321

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