I have had a pair of evening grosbeaks (male and female) at my feeder 
for a couple weeks now.  Just wonder where the rest of the gang are.
Feeding with or by:
rose breasted grosbeaks, purple finches, gold finches,  red wing black 
birds and 10+ hummingbirds
Also saw quite a few pelicans on July 3rd on Rainy River and soaring nearby.

While hiking river shoreline
Found a claw (large) and part of a spinal column (about 3/4 - 1" 
diameter) and feathers coming out of sheathes (large)?
What was interesting was that the claw remains had snake skin like 
remains attached to the claw tips. 
has anyone seen a claw like this before???

Have a great w/e
Tom Crumpton

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