When Kim Eckert asked "Why would a Slaty-backed Gull show up in July?" it 
occured to me that the recent position of the jet stream may be responsible 
in part. At present, the jet stream, which more typically passes south of us 
here in Manitoba, is moving through southern Manitoba and apparently forcing 
some air masses southward in its wake (at least if my understanding of the 
situation is correct and I'm no meterologist). A bird on the move at this 
time for whatever reason could conceivably be pushed up against the western 
shore of Lake Superior. This is at least the second occasion this year that 
"anomolies" (?!) in the jet stream have been discussed in weather reports. 
Hard to know what to make of this...

Anyway, as birders we can always hope for a few more western rarities, 
though the birds may not be so thrilled about "vagrancy"...

Nice photos everyone - thanx!

Christian Artuso (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

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