In the spirit of Laura E's recent post (although I'm not sure I've yet 
entered into the "serious, experienced birder" category - hopefully on the 
path), this spring I was leading the MOU Sherburne trip when I blooped.

Not ten minutes before I had just finished making a few points about the 
similarities and differences between the Yellow Warbler and the 
Chestnut-sided's song when we started down Blue Hill Trail.  A warbler sang, 
I called out "Yellow" and the birder behind me snickered a bit.  I looked up 
and watched the Chestnut-sided sing lustily from ten feet away.

Her comment was penetrating:  "I'm so glad you made that mistake.  I was 
feeling stupid that I didn't know all these songs and identifications."

After finished eating my crow (perhaps a poor metaphor for a birder), her 
comment struck home - newer/less experienced birders can be intimidated by 
our knowledge and (occasionally) seeming superiority.  We must be so careful 
to not turn others away from this excellent hobby (avocation?  obsession?).

Good birding!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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