I have an apparent albino house sparrow in my yard flock.  The flock 
appears to be 90% female with this one apparently larger and pale, pale, 
pale - nearing white - bird in their midst.  At first I couldn't be sure 
that it was a house sparrow or house finch but with its association to a 
flock limited to only house sparrows I stretch to call it the same.  No 
streaking on the breast but then again - would an albino bird have 
streaking?  Yellow largish bill but perhaps appearing largish due to the 
comparison with such a pale, pale body.  It is fascinating to watch.  It 
has been around a lot over the last three days with this flock.  Let me 
know if such a sparrow interests your viewing desire and I will let you 
know if it is still in frequent viewing range.

Also, I found my robins.  I got a response from a net-birder (sorry 
about not having your name, my hard drive crashed and took you away with 
it) whose father explained that robins molt this time of year and where 
would you be if you couldn't fly very well?  I started checking out my 
rather sense vegetation and found my shruburies holding several shaggy 
and not-very-willing to take wing robins.  As of late several have taken 
to the bird bath with their bad-feather-day look and seem to only be 
able to fly short distances.

I learn something new everyday.

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

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