I got out for a while this AM. Birds were reasonably active but not vocal.
The house wrens that had been so vocal (3 weeks ago) were there but silent.
Also new to the Dunes this year was the American redstart. They were

A large flock of cedar waxwings - must have included several youngsters. I
was hearing some calling from where I saw them but didn't recognize the
call. I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and record it.. Also saw the
willow flycatcher near the RR tracks where he has been since spring. I
hadn't seen him in a month. Lots of robins eating ripe berries. Some eastern
towhees were calling. Cardinals, house finches, field sparrow, northern
harrier, warbling vireo, blue jay also seen. Missing were the yellow
warblers, dicksissels, grasshopper sparrows, Bell's vireo, and indigo
Larry Sirvio

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