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Some of us are night owls and have a difficult time rising to meet  
the chorus. However this morning the incessant call outside my second  
story window was not to be denied. It was not just that it was loud,  
it was out of place for downtown Bemidji. Opening my eyes I rolled  
over and peered through the fuzz out the window. All four of my cats  
where crowded into the window frame, noses pressed against the  
screen. Four tails hung over the window ledge twitching in rapt  

Three feet away in tree that almost touches the window was a Northern  
Waterthrush advancing boldly towards the four furry fiends and  
scolding. Amazing! I don't think I've ever watched one this close, or  
exhibiting aggressive behavior.

Wake Up! Migration is On!

Kelly Larson
Bemidji Minnesota

Northern Flights Wild Bird Store
Just 96 miles from the Canadian border!
Or visit us on the Web at...

Eschew Obfuscation!
The middle of Nowhere is Somewhere!

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<HTML><BODY style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; =
-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; ">Some of us are night owls and =
have a=A0difficult time rising to meet the chorus. However this morning =
the=A0incessant call outside my second story window was not to be =
denied. It was not just that it was loud, it was out of place for =
downtown Bemidji. Opening my eyes I rolled over and peered through the =
fuzz out the window. All four of my cats where crowded into the window =
frame, noses pressed against the screen. Four tails hung over the window =
ledge twitching in rapt anticipation.<DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Three feet away in tree =
that almost touches the window was a Northern Waterthrush advancing =
boldly towards the four furry fiends and scolding. Amazing! I don't =
think I've ever watched one this close, or exhibiting aggressive =
behavior.</DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Wake =
Up! Migration is On!</DIV><DIV><BR><DIV> <SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" =
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font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =
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white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; =
border-spacing: 0px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma; =
font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =
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-apple-text-size-adjust: auto; text-transform: none; orphans: 2; =
white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "><DIV>Kelly =
Larson</DIV><DIV>Bemidji Minnesota</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Northern Flights Wild Bird =
Store</DIV><DIV>Just 96 miles from the Canadian border!</DIV><DIV>Or =
visit us on the Web at...</DIV><DIV><A =
A></DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#4A2FFF"><SPAN =
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class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(74, 47, 255); "><SPAN =
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class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(74, 47, 255); "><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(74, 47, 255); ">Eschew =
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rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); ">The middle of Nowhere =
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