You can check records by going to the MOU website

and click on 

    Occurance Maps -> Notes

The first Pomarine Jaeger record was :

          St. Louis 20-May-82 

David Cahlander Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910>
> Laura Erickson wrote:
>> I think the true story was that a Pomerine Jaeger was seen flying 
>> between the two states--it was sometime in the 80s.  Kim Eckert and I, 
>> and maybe Mike Hendrickson, wrote it up--Mike drew a picture of the 
>> tail.  But the tail feathers didn't stick out very far, and although 
>> they were quite rounded at the tip, the Wis committee thought it was 
>> at least possible that the feathers had broken off and could have worn 
>> in a rounded pattern.  (At the time, there weren't the books available 
>> with such detailed descriptions as are available now.)  The MOU 
>> committee accepted it as a Pomerine, perhaps influenced at least a bit 
>> by Kim's great knowledge and experience with both species. (Pomerine 
>> was a lifer for me.)   At first the Wisconsin committee counted it as 
>> Parasitic, but I believe they changed that to Jaeger spp.
>> Laura Erickson

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