March 6, 2007
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Wright County Birding Day
Field Trip Report

Spent the day bird watching in Wright and Sherburne counties.  The cold 
weather and snow at times, limited some of locations we had planned to bird. 
But over all we had a very successful day.  Here are some of the species 
that we encounter on the trip.

Trumpeter Swan - Monticello, Swan Park -100s of Swans are still present - 
Sherburne CR 1, 2 miles North of CR 4 - Two birds were present on an open 
area of the Saint Francis River.
Redhead - a male Redhead was observed on the Mississippi River from Swan 
Lesser Scaup - a female Lesser Scaup was observed on the Mississippi River 
from Swan Park.
Great Blue Heron - Sherburne CR 1, one block West of CR 87
Red-shouldered Hawk - Sherburne CR 1, .3 miles North of CR 4.  I would 
assume that this is the bird reported previously by Pasture Al.
Belted Kingfisher - Observed along the Mississippi River where Highway 25 
crosses the river in Monticello.
Lapland Longspur - Wright county - observed in a number of locations along 
Eaken Ave. NE and Fenning Ave NE, Sherburne County - 200th St, 1/4 mile 
North of Highway 25.
Snow Bunting - Same locations as the Longspurs.

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN 

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