Watson, Alexander Robert wrote:
>  At 5:15 I heard SANDHILL CRANES fly over my house in Austin, Mower 
> County, above the clouds.  Makes a new yard bird.
> It sounded as if there could have been more than two but I am not sure.
> I am very interested in seeing a Connecticut warbler this spring.  What 
> are good habitats to look in and does anyone have advice on methods for 
> searching this bird out?
> I am totally unfamiliar with this species and any insight would help as 
> it appears this is a very unpredictable bird in Minnesota.
> Happy Spring
> Alexander Watson
Coincidentally, upon returning from work in Maplewood this evening, my 
husband mentioned that he saw a few very large, long-necked birds flying 
over, that might have been sandhill cranes. (He was unable to confirm, 
due to the driving hazard it would have caused.)

Linda Whyte

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