As MOU Field Trip Coordinator I would like to inform you of some
upcoming events:
SALT LAKE BIRDING WEEKEND - April 28-29 - Lac Qui Parle and southern Big
Stone Counties.
This is a great event with a rich history dating back to 1975.  As shown
in the most recent issue of MN Birding this area is one of the best in
the state for finding rarities in the spring.  Last year 148 species
were counted including Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, White-faced Ibis,
Hudsonian Godwit and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow. =20
Saturday morning birders meet for breakfast at 7am at the Marietta
American Legion located one block west of Co. Rd. 7 on Hwy 4.  They form
into groups and head out for the morning.  At noon they stop back for
lunch and sharing of info.  That night there is a chicken dinner at
7:30pm at the Sons of Norway Hall on Hwy 75 in Madison, eleven miles
east of Marietta.  Reservations are required for the dinner and can be
made with Becky Skallerud at 320-598-3797 or  The
dinner is $10.
Lodging is available in Madison, Montevideo, Dawson or Appleton.
Camping is available at Prairie Marsh Farm, 1770 151st Ave., Marietta,
located 7 miles west of US 75 and 1.5 miles south of US 212.  Contact
Ken Larson at for more information.  Sunday
birding is on your own.

CAMP RIPLEY FIELD TRIP - May 12 - Morrison County

This is a rare opportunity to explore portions of Camp Ripley with Bill
Brown, Natural Resource Specialist.  Birders will meet at 9am at a
location to be determined near the camp and proceed through the security
gate with Bill.  This trip will be limited to 20 people so contact me if
you wish to sign up. =20


The details, including the cost, are still being worked out on this, but
it will include 2 nights and meals at the Deep Portage Learning Center
in Hackensack.  This event will feature 2 sessions of night birding
focused on Yellow Rails and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows as well as
day birding in Cass County with Ben Wieland, Dale Yerger and Molly
Malecek.  This trip will also be limited to 20 people so contact me if
you are interested.

These trips are open to members and non-members alike.  I am still
looking for opportunities in other parts of the state for field trips.
If any of you would like to lead a trip this year, please let me know
and I will help you to coordinate it.  I can best be reached at my
office 612-728-2232 or by e-mail at
Bob Williams, Bloomington=20


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