Hello all.
    Took our first trip out in quite awhile down to Lake Byllesby in 
search of quacking birds.
We first drove to the picnic area on the south side of the lake, finding 
a few scattered Horned Larks in the fields, but found the water at the 
boat ramp to be completely frozen and devoid of ducks.
    We headed over to the west end vantage point after that and found 
conditions much nicer. We almost immediately found about four (there may 
be more) Greater White-fronted Geese beyond the cat-tails to the south. 
Scattered off to the north side of the view were many, many ducks. Geese 
and mallards crowded the majority of the lake, but there were a good 
number of others there as well. Among them were:
American Widgeons
A few Redheads, but we lost them
Lesser Scaup
Many, many Ring-necked Ducks
A good number of Northern Pintails
Quite a large number of Common Goldeneye
A single Common Merganser male.

We looked hard, but couldn't find any of the Snow Geese reported earlier.
    Nice trip for duckin'!

- Leo WM

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