First Sandhill Crane of the year this morning, Mille Lacs County (CR 7, 
about three miles north of 95).

First Eastern Meadowlark of the year today, Sherburne County (CR 9, opposite 
side of road from Blue Hill Trail in the refuge).

Nathan & I enjoyed our Dakota County trip on Saturday AM (good to meet you, 
Jim & Laura & Phil - hope I got the last name correct).  Lake Byllesby had 
ample waterfowl, including ten new year birds for us (personals highlights 
were six Cackling Geese & five Pintail males - however, missed Greater 
White-fronted).  Nathan also got a brief look at the Gyrfalcon along 42, but 
further searching along 170th & 160th yielded no fruit.

We also had a first of year Turkey Vulture in Elk River on the way back 
(standard location near quarry along 169).

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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